Osteoarthritis of the knee joint – specific, the destructive effect on the hryaschik of the knee joint disease. If it is the emergence of such a disease, the doctors observed serious disturbances in the processes of blood circulation in the bone, use vessels, thus causing a deformation and destruction of cartilage tissue, the person feels a strong, chilling all his movements of the legs, the king's meadow pain, swelling is observed and the change in his own mind to the knees.

What happens to the joint in osteoarthritis of the knee?
Hinged cartilage plays an important role in the process of the movement of the people and is a smooth, supple, and fixed installations, thanks to the joint bone is free to exploit themselves move relative to each other, and also the depreciation and the load distribution when walking.
But in the case of regular excessive stress, genetic predisposition, metabolic disorders in the body, long muscle cramps, and injury to the cartilage loses its smoothness and starts to thin. Thinning of the cartilage leads to a reduction of the distance of the pivot bearings between the two bone use up to 80%. While walking due to the abnormal friction and a lack of design, destructive processes in the joint grow fast, it quickly leads to the development of osteoarthritis in the third degree with pronounced symptoms:
- Pain with motion, especially when lifting or lower the staircase.
- Pain at stress and at rest, morning stiffness.
- The Patient begins to limp, trying to protect the diseased joint.
- Severe cases of the disease, forcing the use of crutches or a cane.
The third degree of osteoarthritis of the knee characterized by the almost complete absence of cartilage, resulting in decreased mobility of the joints to a Minimum. So no arcane methods, Super drugs and ointments not recover worn-out cartilage, and in view of the degree of deformation of the bone is not in use, the normal operation of the joint is possible. In this case, only surgical intervention can help.
The stage of osteoarthritis
The main thing is, what determines the success of the therapy, the extent of the disease, i.e., joints the severity of the destructive changes in the knee. During the progression of osteoarthritis progression arrange the following stages or steps:
- The first Phase, or 1 degrees, which compensates more often than not, as there is a clear clinical signs of a pathology, not yet. The Patient may feel uncomfortable in his lap after the workout, which quickly disappears after rest; the joints are still fully functional.
- In the case of 2 degrees of osteoarthritis, subcompensated, the symptoms of the disease increased. Formed, severe pain, but through pain-relieving ointments and gels, used topically. Impaired motor skills, appears to be the instability of the joint. In most cases a treatment of patients to doctors is exactly happens in this stage.
- 3 degree, decompensated, and also can as a bending of the Pipelines. The knee joint is not curved, unstable, immobile, absolutely functional. Pain syndrome permanent and require serious medical Intervention. Around the joint to relieve and to move, man needs a cane.
Depending on what stage the Person is asked for help by a specialist of the Schema therapy developed. Unfortunately, the people is access to medical assistance, in most cases, if the pain in the king's meadow will not happen after taking ordinary painkillers or the use of ointments.
Symptoms and first signs
Depending on the severity of symptoms and progression of the disease is divided into 3 stages. Symptoms of early development of osteoarthritis of the knee is highly variable and has no special features.
In the first Phase of the pathology, there are the following signs:
- Pain in the Royal meadow, during the knee flexion, walking on a stairway;
- Pain in the joint after an extended period of loading or cooling;
- the king's meadow can to pain at the end of the day or in the morning;
- Stiffness and pain in the morning, after the daily work.
In the future, there are signs, typical for the 2, and level 3 (to increase):
- the pain is acute and time-consuming;
- Swelling in the area of the joint;
- perhaps the appearance of fluid in the joint;
- between the joint and the impairment of the particles of the cartilage, meniscus, synovial villi surfaces perhaps, as a result, the sudden immobility occurs (it could be the same as all abruptly take place);
- hard to step on the foot;
- developed immobility of the joint.
The speed of development of degenerative processes and the severity of symptoms are dependent on the presence or absence of additional traumatic factors. E.g. Stress or inflammatory processes in the body, accelerate the destructive process.
For the diagnosis of osteoarthritis of the knee use:
- Blood tests (General and biochemical);
- X-ray images;
- to arthroscopy extends;
- Uzi;
- MRI.
The most important diagnostic method for confirmation of the diagnosis of osteoarthritis of the knee is an x-ray. Although the initial phase of the disease and the condition of the cartilage do not consider x-ray images, however, the bony changes in the Phase 2 and 3 can be visible clearly. It is:
- narrow articular surface slot;
- the use according to the contour of the bone, the edges of the kneecap marginal Spikes – osteophytes;
- Changes in the bones of the skin;
- the height of the condyles and other change.
However, a more detailed assessment of changes possible, using up to arthroscopy extends. With their help, you can determine the condition of the cartilage, meniscus, synovial membrane. They are rarely used because of the possibility of strong trauma to the joint, so as, in fact, this Mini-Operation, consisting of several punctures. Sometimes to the point of arthroscopy is extended for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knees (if necessary, a piece remove my defects of cartilage or meniscus). Detect changes in the soft tissues of the knee joint helps with early osteoarthritis, ultrasonography, and MRI. These methods are also good, the condition of the cartilage, synovium and fluid.
Movement therapy and exercises for osteoarthritis
Physical exercises will help the function of the joint to restore and strengthen. Should not perform them slowly and carefully, to exceed a sprain and permissible load.
Effectively, the following exercises are:
- Alternately slowly raise the extended leg while lying on the belly. In this exercise involved the muscles of the thigh and Shin. We can not allow the load has been moved to the back. The lifting of the feet is too high it is not worth it. The main thing is not to strain the muscles in the upper point;
- This exercise is similar to the first, only now pull the leg should be bent in the king's meadow. At the top of the thigh muscles you should be an additional strain. On each leg exercise, you must have the same number of times;
- Lying on the floor (on the belly), lift straight legs up, and then breed in the Hand and reduces. For this exercise, strong muscular stomach need muscles, so it is not suitable for all patients. In addition, if it is running, this may increase the blood pressure. Patients with high blood pressure or other diseases of the circulatory System, it is better to do without it;
- For the next exercise, you must lie down on your side, lying on the floor, bend the leg at the king's meadow, and the other slowly increase and delay in the top of the point. It is important that the angle is in the execution on each foot, the same;
- For this exercise you need a chair. Sitting on it, the legs are alternately stretched, rise to the top and adheres to the maximum possible time in the upright Position;
- Useful to rise on tiptoe, held on the chair or bed. As with the other exercises, you need to stay in the top for a few seconds and in addition strain the muscles of the legs;

The doctor performs in the office for several meetings, will show you the basic techniques so that the Patient could massage the problematic king of the meadow itself. Literate actions to improve the condition of the injured area.
Physiotherapy Treatment
We should not think that physio refer to therapeutic measures on the secondary, auxiliary-methods of exposure to the diseased joint. In the early stages of the disease, physiotherapy is an essential relief to the patient, cleans the sensation of pain, relieves muscle spasms, and accelerates the recovery of function of the knee joint. In addition, some types of physical therapy to allow the input of medical substance through the skin, leading to a decrease of the dose by the patient to the inside.
All the techniques of physio-therapeutic exposure to are divided into several groups:
- You can reduce the pain;
- Reduce inflammation;
- Regenerating nutrition of the joint and accelerate the recovery of function of the joint.
What kind of impact requires the patient, the doctor can diagnose diseases on the basis of existing symptoms and accompanying.
Surgery for osteoarthritis
Surgical treatment refers to radical methods, partially or fully regenerating the function of the knee joint. Surgical methods of treatment differ from each other in the degree of intervention in the affected joint.
- Arthroscopy is one of the efficient method for the surgical treatment. This technique has low invasiveness and can be used as a therapeutic event in the early stages of osteoarthritis. Its main objective is the lifespan of the affected joints. The arthroscopy is performed with an endoscope – a flexible probe with a camera on the end. In the knee joint, small holes are introduced through which the endoscope and tools. During the Operation, the damaged areas of the tissue, and remove pain caused. The Operation is the most appropriate for people at a young age and can be extend, if necessary, repeated as often as required.
- Arthroplasty is one of the radical surgical methods. There is a full recovery of function of the joint only by the replacement of the knee joint or its parts, of the implant. This method is the best Alternative to already existing procedures – arthrodesis (full immobilization of the damaged joint). At the Moment arthroplasty up to 90% positive results and increases the quality of life of the patients.
- Osteotomy applied, if in the joint, significant deformation is developed, and the function of the joint is noticeably suffers. Osteotomy involves the creation of an artificial fracture in a pre-planned place. In the further part of the bone to use associated with it, the grow in the correct, physiological Situation and give you together. Sometimes, during surgery, used artificial snap of bone fragments, the more sustainable Position of the bone can be.
Special diet for osteoarthritis, then it is in General, often focuses on the reduction of the weight of the patient, since in the vast majority of cases, it is a great weight to overload of the joints. Diet includes the consumption of food in the small portions about every 3 hours. For weight loss in the daily diet of lean meat (chicken, Turkey, rabbit) should add and eliminate fat (lamb, Start). Vegetable proteins should fruit from the sleeve. For the compliance with the diet in the diet occur, replacement of refined sunflower oil, as well as the use of salt must be reduced.
Therapeutic nutrition provides for a refusal of, or minimal use of preservatives, smoked, and fried foods (appetite suppressant). To restore the damaged cartilage, you need to provide the body with complex carbohydrates (cereals, products made from wheat flour). In the diet also include juices (carrot, beet, Apple) should be. You bring the body of toxins and reduce the influence of inflammatory processes.
In the diet of fish and aspic should, that he is the peculiar of the cartilage and helps new cartilage. It is important to remember that a diet will not be required to, itself – the best variant, only a dietitian (a specialist in diets) can pick up.
Example menu:
- Breakfast: oatmeal porridge on the water, without oil and sugar, fruit juice, boiled egg;
- Second Breakfast: a Cup of yogurt low-fat natural;
- Lunch: meat or fish, steamed, Can be stewed, tea without sugar;
- Snack: Curd soufflé with nuts, a glass of fruit juice;
- Dinner: salad, Apple, tea without sugar;
- Second dinner: a glass of low-fat yogurt.
They do not protect the joints until the terrible disease, such as osteoarthritis of the knee, is bothering. In the case of the identification of the symptoms of the pathology, they do not turn to the doctor in an early stage, to the flexibility, the elasticity of the tissue is completely lost. The late treatment in more advanced cases, leads to disability.
Prevention of diseases of the joints:
- You meter the load on the legs in the active sports;
- you make a diet with the intake of foods and dishes, contains calcium, Magnesium, gelatin;
- when working with the lift, move loads, safety rules, carry no loads, more specific standards;
- place regular self-Massage for the prevention of osteoarthritis, especially in the case of a constant load on the legs;
- to eat right, restrict "harmful" products;
- Control of body weight (excess weight is an additional burden on the joints);
- regularly asked to treat acute and chronic diseases.
Attention to the health of the muscle-skeletal System provides for activity at any age. In the determination of the osteoarthritis of the knee see a doctor. The treatment of osteoarthritis in the home is an indispensable Element of a successful therapy.
If the diagnosis of osteoarthritis of the knee in the early stages, the elimination of the causes of the pathological process and appropriate treatment, the prognosis is favorable. For the therapy the ability to achieve long-term Remission, but the treatment is life generally oblong gives. No appropriate treatment, as well as in the case of default of payment by the patient of the instructions of the physician osteoarthritis of the knee the cause of the obstruction.