Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine-symptoms and home treatment

Cervical osteochondrosis associated with the violation of the metabolic processes in the area of the neck, the deterioration of the condition of the muscles and vertebrae. For the prevention of the development of the disease, doctors recommend the use of a series of measures, including drug therapy, different exercises, adjusting the diet, Massage, physiotherapy.

Cervical Osteochondrosis

How to heal a cervical osteochondrosis at home exercises

To remember the first, what is the prohibition in the case of the osteochondrosis of cervical Department, any physical exertion on the neck during an exacerbation of the disease. Only upon the occurrence of Remission-step-by-step exercises allowed with a low Amplitude. With the improvement of the status of the utilisation to be set.

Average duration for autogenic Training is 10 minutes. All movements should be sensations in the absence of the pain. Soft and flowing strain on the muscles, alternating with relaxation. It is recommended to repeat the gym-complex daily. The starting position for each exercise: take the Position of standing and sitting posture should be straight.

Study group exercise:

  • Gently bend down the ear to the right shoulder. The right-hand area of the left temple. Now the head is slowly returning to the normal Position by the Hand of a small resistance. No pain should not be. Repeat the exercise in the other direction.
  • Are you trying to achieve, from the chin to the collarbone. In the maximum stretched Position remain on for 2-5 seconds.
  • Tilt the head down, hands on Erdberger Lände in the castle and put it on the back of the neck. You try to head back in Position looking for heated seats in the front, by the hands of the resistance. Head Crushing Hands. The duration of a approach – 5-10 seconds.
  • Each exercise will have to 10 reps. The plant diseases for the prevention of degenerative intervertebral disc and to restore the mobility of the neck at the stage of Remission. Regular workouts result in the tone of the weakened muscles.

How to treat osteochondrosis of the cervical spine at home diet

The adjustment of the diet, with cervical osteochondrosis to the tissue on the restoration of cartilage. In the diet In osteochondrosis you to select the following foods and nutrients:

  • chondroprotectors in sufficient quantity contains in jelly, gelatin and Agar-Agar;
  • Calcium received from dairy products, legumes, salad leaves and almond. Keep in mind that for qualitative mastering this Mineral and Vitamin D needs;
  • Can manganese to onions, legumes, egg yolks, cottage cheese, and nuts;
  • Source of Magnesium, which is crucial for a stable operation of the entire organism, are Avocado, sunflower seeds, nuts, pumpkin seeds;
  • Phosphorus in the organism is well assimilated from fish, soy, peas, bran, and cabbage;
  • B-vitamins are found in legumes, milk products and nuts;
  • Vitamin A absorbed from raw eggs, pumpkins, melons and carrots;
  • Vitamin C can fruit from all the citrus and in many fruits;
  • To get Vitamin D the easiest way to go for a walk under the sun. Our body itself produces. On cloudy days and in Winter it is better to the diet-and-egg-products, algae and marine fish.
Neck pain

To saturate the body with all the essential nutrients in the recovery phase on a quality varied diet. In addition to the above components, diet, nutrition and osteochondrosis necessarily need a lot of liquid, namely, clean water. All tea and coffee specialities, doctors recommend to replace it with filtered water without Gas.

From the diet, it is strongly recommended to remove salty foods, better you go on a salt-free diet. The salt breaks down the supply of cells with nutrients, which is very dangerous in the case of osteochondrosis.

Sugar and sweet is also forbidden, an exception is honey. Such products interfere with the metabolism in the intervertebral discs.

Canned food, ready meals, carbonated and isotonic drinks – all of it is strictly prohibited with cervical osteochondrosis. These products calcium from the bone to use washed out, thus reducing the complications of the disease.

Treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease home Massage

Professional Massage with cervical osteochondrosis – the effective Element of the complex therapy of the disease. Systematic massage can reduce or remove the pain and cramps. By stimulating certain zones of the cervical spine, the blood flow normalizes in the affected area of the spine.

Distinguish 3 types of Massage:

  • Massage Of The Collar Area.
  • Point.
  • Self-massage.

The most effective is considered to be stimulation of the neck area. As a massage therapist, the person, the procedure begins with gentle pats. Further, the edges of the hand along the spine to the ribcage, well-enslaved plots of land worked. The last stage is circular kneading movement massage.

Acupressure is the effect on a number of points. The practice comes from the Chinese medicine. Good effect of the anesthesia in the case of osteochondrosis of the neck, provides pressure to the following points:

  • among the main export to the deepening nadavlivanie within 5 – 20 seconds;
  • back to 2 fingers of and of the mastoid process, press down within 5 – 10 seconds;
  • from the first point to the withdrawal of 3 of the fingers and are pressed within 5 – 10 seconds;
  • a 7 vertebrae, and they put on pressure effects.

Self-massage is comparable with the technique in the promotion of the collar area, only in this case, the Person is massaged himself, without the help of others. The advantage of the method is the control of pain and the pressure force.

The combination of all the methods of treatment of degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine to allow good results of therapy. To minimize the risk of exacerbation doctors advise gymnastics, proper nutrition, self-Massage on a continuous Basis.

Treatment traditional methods

As for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis in the home

Symptoms and treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease is performed at home under the supervision of a physician. Cervical osteochondrosis pathology, dangerous for the intervertebral discs in the cervical spine. Among the movable and the maximum susceptible to the disease departments, C5, C6 and C7.

Medical Indications

As a pathology, such complications may provoke, such as Periarthritis or cervical osteochondrosis. The origin of the pain in the shoulder testifies to the tension in the nerve roots in the 4. and 5. Vertebral bodies. In the initial phase of the upper arm bone osteochondrosis pain is manifested through the drag, the in the night. This pain gradually increased, in the hands or the neck.

Osteochondrosis of the shoulder may heal in an integrated approach. Symptoms and treatment are associated with a disease continuously with each other. The main signs of degenerative disc neck disease divided into 2 groups:

  1. Reflex — acute and severe pain in the throat, worse during the journey. This pain is also as a shot.
  2. Radicular pain, by means of clamping nerve. It manifests itself in different areas of the body or in the internal organs.

Patients suffering from diseases of the cervical degenerative disc, know oppressive headache, which can. in the area of time shares or of the eyeballs Maybe blurred vision and dizziness. Irritation of the nervous Plexus can be a reason of the development of the syndrome of the vertebral artery. It can falsely be determined, such as disorders of cerebral circulation, accompanied by dizziness.

When cervical osteochondrosis in the loss of orientation in conjunction with nausea or vomiting occurs. In patients with osteochondrosis of the cardio are logical attacks. Data manifestations of osteochondrosis occur with other characteristics, so that they are easy to distinguish from the symptoms of diseases of the cardiovascular System.

Methods of Thérapie

Treatment of cervical degenerative disc diseases at home quickly carried out in several stages. Preliminary first aid . To this end, we recommend the following steps:

  1. In the first 24 hours, the affected area of the ice, but it should. after consultation with your doctor In all other cases, the affected area is to wrap a woolen scarf.
  2. Sleeping on hard surfaces. To not recommend, go to the ground, in order not to chill affected areas.
  3. If the disease is localized in the area of the cervical vertebrae , is necessary to the neck, by rail, with a cotton-carton.
  4. Before consulting with a doctor pain can take middle.

Osteochondrosis of the neck is a serious condition and requires a gradual symptomatic treatment. Outpatient and home treatment of degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine are not mutually exclusive, since they have a same load of the action. The main objectives of the therapy of osteochondrosis at home are:

  1. The abolition of painful sensations.
  2. Stimulation of the metabolism in the cervical spine.
  3. The structure of the muscles in the neck and shoulder area.
  4. Stabilization of blood circulation to the brain.
  5. The return of the sensitivity and improvement in the mobility of the spine in the cervical spine and upper extremities.
  6. Elimination of negative emotions and problems with sleep.

Drug Therapy

Home treatment

As for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis at home with the help of drugs? For the elimination of pain and inflammatory analgesic applied tables means. Chondroprotectors — drugs used in the destruction of cartilage, leading to his decision to hang up.

To the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine home can be with the application of ointments and creams. The active ingredients in their composition is not as effective. This is due to the fact that they do not reach the affected area. However, you are not useless, because using a Massage carried out have a positive effect on the vertebrae of the neck. In the case of the considered disease, the B vitamins, or medications assigned to the complex influences.

Methods of non-pharmacological therapy

In front of the treat osteochondrosis of the cervical spine in patients with non-drug methods, it is recommended to consult your doctor. These methods include:

  • Acupuncture;
  • Leech therapy;
  • physiotherapy treatments;
  • complex therapeutic exercise;
  • therapeutic massage;
  • the manual therapy.

In some cases, Massage is more effective than medicines. It promotes the relaxation of muscles, reduction of pain, improvement of blood circulation and metabolism in the spine. Implementation with cervical osteochondrosis treatment at home with the help of Massage, the expert should.

The procedure should be with the fingers. The rule for the Massage movements should be smooth and slow, without the application of force. Rubbing and stroking should be carried out, in the direction of the spine to the neck. With gentle movements, the lateral and posterior neck muscles to knead can. The procedure must end in a sitting Position, put the left leg on the right by the elbow on the king's meadow hands. In this Position, you can massage the movement a free Hand for 10 minutes. As you do this, you can find out by clicking the Video above.

Acupuncture and gymnastics


In front of the treat cervical osteochondrosis acupuncture, we recommend to consult a doctor. This procedure is at home with the help of special devices (needle massage device). In such devices be used, single or paired needles on plastic mats. For your convenience, you can blocking the cervical spine role. Every day for 30 minutes.

Treated with a cervical osteochondrosis at home can be with the help of special exercises. To do this, it is recommended that a slow rotation on the head 360º, squeezing the chin to the chest, back bend over the head. If the Patient performs the exercises work the following muscle groups:

  • Cervical cancer;
  • of the upper extremities;
  • of the lower extremities.

Each Element of therapeutic exercise smoothly should carry out and measured, with pauses of a few seconds. If during the activity, pain sensations are produced, we recommend to gymnastics to stop.

How to get rid of the schejno breast osteochondrosis at home?

Get rid of the schejno breast osteochondrosis at home, it is not impossible layer of cartilage between the vertebrae completely to produce. If the disease is recognized in time and the treatment of degenerative disc disease, get interrupt the development.

Treatment enough at the first stages of the development of the pathology, if light exercises, the procedure to eliminate the symptoms, improves the General condition. When cervical-Thoracic osteochondrosis is not corrected at home, you must visit your doctor to correct treatment, or get a different therapy.

Honey in the treatment of

Home therapy neck and thoracic damage can

If the condition worsens in the case of osteochondrosis of the spine is tightened, the deformation, results in dizziness, shortness of breath and shortness of breath, severe pain syndrome afflicted pathology to the complex Phase of the development.

Must stop with treatment at home and you go to the hospital. The delay increases the risk of splicing vortex and to eliminate it surgically. Ignoring signs of intervertebral disc degeneration leads to the development of severe complications. Home treatment for the aggravation of the condition wait, until the period of Remission.