Osteoarthritis Symptoms, Treatment, Description

Disease of the joints which is called as a result of the degenerative processes in the cartilage, osteoarthritis. The arthritis comes and goes, accompanied by severe pain, and c the reduction in the mobility of the joint below.

Osteoarthritis of the small joints of the hands

In osteoarthritis, the defeat and the bone tissue, so that this disease, often called osteoarthritis. Delayed treatment can lead to disability. Osteoarthritis is chronic, begins imperceptibly with rare severe pain in the area of the affected joints. With the development in them of degenerative processes, the pain intensified. Especially sharply it is felt in the movement.

The development of osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis more often older people are affected, because with the years a decrease in the activity and other disturbances of the metabolic processes is to develop endocrine disorders. As a result, the production of specific components of decreases in the cartilage of the joints. Changes in the Inter-articular cartilage, bone and soft parts, lost elasticity and the ability of the damping.

Classification of osteoarthritis

There are several classifications of arthritis, but its most important indicators are the causality of the occurrence and the degree of destruction of the joint. Depending on the cause of the primary and secondary osteoarthritis differ.

Primary osteoarthritis begins its destructive activity in the joints for no apparent reason, after hitting a lot of joints. The exact causes of the emergence of this type of osteoarthritis, until now, not identified. It is assumed that one of the factors triggering the disease is a genetic predisposition. The most primary Form of osteoarthritis is shown in the defeat of the joints, muslin-Hand, what determines distinct nodular deformities of phalanges. This Form of arthritis is typically for people over the age of forty years.

Secondary Form of arthritis of the joints, regardless of the age of the Person. The reasons for their formation can be a lasting increased load on the joints, the defeat of the already diseased joint additional injuries of all kinds. In addition, the causes of osteoarthritis of the secondary shape may be a violation of the endocrine and metabolic processes, several areas of necrosis, inflammatory diseases, rheumatic Arthritis.

High loads, leading to the development of osteoarthritis, occur in obese people, joggers, football player, Ballerina, etc. Secondary arthritis affects various joints of the spine and/or extremities. The areas between the primary and secondary osteoarthritis are very thin. There are three degrees of progression of osteoarthritis, according to the severity of the pathological process. There is a fourth Steppe, if it will cause a strong deformation of the affected joint to its immobility and the development of the disability.

The treatment of osteoarthritis

In addition, classification of arthritis according to place, shape and nature of the localization of the destructive process of tissue in the cartilage. Symptoms of osteoarthritis are pain, sometimes crunch in joints at movement, swelling, reaction to the change in the weather. The pain not only in joints but also in the surrounding soft.

The causes of deforming arthrosis

Deforming osteoarthritis, he has osteoarthritis, the most common joint disease. When deforming arthrosis, there is a change in the metabolism and structure of articular cartilage. It comes to deformations, the changes of the bone tissue. The most commonly, this disease affects the elbow, knee, and hip joints. The causes of osteoarthritis, deforming the same, as secondary osteoarthritis – obesity, increased stress, injuries. In addition, this type of arthritis can occur on the background of varicose veins, weakness of the muscles and ligaments in the joint. Primary cartilage damage, in connection with inflammation, the causes of osteoarthritis are deformed. The disease is associated with severe pain and decreased motor skills.

Osteoarthritis of the small joints of the hands

This type of diseases is very typical for women. Many people pay no attention to the slight tingling and burning in the fingers, but in vain. This tingling sensation are the early signs of osteoarthritis of the small joints of the hands. Subsequently, as the disease, the sensations will disappear, but there is a strong complication in the Form of the formation on the joints of the fingers tight knots and distorted kind of Phalanx. Often in the case of osteoarthritis of the small joints of the hands, phalanges of the toes are similar to that of the spindle. This complication carries the title of reactive Synovitis.

This type of arthritis is more typical for the primary Form of the disease.

The treatment of osteoarthritis

The treatment of osteoarthritis is multi-layered and is long. Among the basic principles for the treatment of the disease, such measures as the limitation of the loads, exercise therapy, drug-free relief from pain and inflammatory processes. Antibiotics for osteoarthritis not be used in the rule, except in cases when it is necessary to remove the inflammatory process, caused by an infection of the organism or of the joint. Antibiotics are used in osteoarthritis, for example, in cases of illness as a result of rheumatoid Arthritis. In the recent times in the treatment of osteoarthritis are widely chondro widely used protector, making it possible not only to interrupt the flow, but also to regenerate the tissues of the joint. In times of sharp deterioration of the patient's condition due to the deterioration of the osteoarthritis hormone preparations use behavior – Intra-articular.

Shock wave therapy for osteoarthritis

Inflammation of the joints

In modern medical practice, the method is today successfully udarnowolnowoj therapy for osteoarthritis. The essence of the method consists in the use of acoustic waves of low frequency aimed at the affected area. A decrease of a painful syndrome, the tide of blood to the source of the lesions and an improvement in the General well-being. An improvement of metabolism, removal of deposits of calcium, increase the strength of the tissue occurs.

The procedure is painless, and improvements determined immediately after the first session. But in use in osteoarthritis udarnowolnowoj therapy is to bear in mind that there are a number of contraindications to its use. This procedure is not recommended in pregnancy, fragility of vessels, hemophilia, cancer diseases and in the presence of a cardiac pacemaker.

Exercises for the treatment of osteoarthritis

A prerequisite in the treatment of osteoarthritis, the use of different types of exercises to prevent atrophy weakening of the muscles and ligaments. Exercises for the treatment of osteoarthritis will be individually for each patient by the attending physician and a physiotherapist. To begin the exercises 5-6 days after the acceptance of the pain syndrome after the deterioration, but not later. The object of the exercises for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the restoration of joint mobility, Aerobic Training, to increase the strength and flexibility of muscles and joints.

Osteoarthritis is a serious disease. In order to prevent the deformation of the joints need to carefully take care of it - eat, Sport, dynamic exercises, forget the bad habits and take Vitamin and Mineral complex for the maintenance of the joints. With increasing age, an enormous load limit.